EnterpriseDb 图形化的表空间备份恢复测试:
有数据库test,表student,主键pk_student 放在testDb 表空间,索引。。。放在test_indx 表空间
1 在异机建立数据库test2(即和备份的数据库不同名称):执行恢复前清空数据 情况:会把表相关弄过去,但是但是会是在默认的模式里面默认的表空间进行,同时新建我们原来的模式test,但是里面没有数据,再次执行时才有:以下是返回的结果
-- Table: test.student
-- DROP TABLE test.student;
CREATE TABLE test.student
sno integer NOT NULL,
sname character varying(50),
CONSTRAINT pk_student PRIMARY KEY (sno) -- sdf
ALTER TABLE test.student OWNER TO "admin";
COMMENT ON CONSTRAINT pk_student ON test.student IS 'sdf';
-- Index: test.student_index_name
-- DROP INDEX test.student_index_name;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX student_index_name
ON test.student
USING btree
COMMENT ON INDEX test.student_index_name IS '根据name 索引';
-- Table: student
-- DROP TABLE student;
sno integer NOT NULL,
sname character varying(50),
CONSTRAINT pk_student PRIMARY KEY (sno) -- sdf
ALTER TABLE student OWNER TO "admin";
COMMENT ON CONSTRAINT pk_student ON student IS 'sdf';
-- Index: student_index_name
-- DROP INDEX student_index_name;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX student_index_name
ON student
USING btree
COMMENT ON INDEX student_index_name IS '根据name 索引';
2 在异机建立数据库test(即和备份的数据库相同名称):执行恢复前清空数据 情况:会把表相关弄过去,但是但是会是在默认的模式里面默认的表空间进行,同时新建我们原来的模式test,但是里面没有数据,再次执行时才有:以下是返回的结果
C:\PostgresPlus\8.3R2AS\dbserver\bin\pg_restore.exe --host --port 5444 --username "admin" --dbname test --clean --verbose "C:\Documents and Settings\dell\桌面\test_20100730_0934.backup"
pg_restore: 正在连接到数据库以进行恢复
pg_restore: 正在删除 COMMENT INDEX student_index_name
pg_restore: [存档程序] PROCESSING TOC 时出错:
pg_restore: [存档程序] 错误来自 TOC 条目 2490;0 0 COMMENT INDEX student_index_name enterprisedb
pg_restore: [存档程序] could not set search_path to "test": ERROR: schema "test" does not exist
pg_restore: 正在删除 INDEX student_index_name
pg_restore: [归档 (db)] 错误来自 TOC 条目 2483;1259 52242 INDEX student_index_name enterprisedb
pg_restore: [归档 (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: schema "test" does not exist
Command was:
DROP INDEX test.student_index_name;
pg_restore: 正在删除 COMMENT CONSTRAINT pk_student ON student
pg_restore: 正在删除 CONSTRAINT pk_student
pg_restore: [归档 (db)] 错误来自 TOC 条目 2482;2606 52240 CONSTRAINT pk_student enterprisedb
pg_restore: [归档 (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: schema "test" does not exist
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY test.student DROP CONSTRAINT pk_student;
pg_restore: 正在删除 TABLE student
pg_restore: [归档 (db)] 错误来自 TOC 条目 2033;1259 52237 TABLE student enterprisedb
pg_restore: [归档 (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: schema "test" does not exist
Command was: DROP TABLE test.student;
pg_restore: 正在删除 COMMENT SCHEMA test
pg_restore: 正在删除 SCHEMA test
pg_restore: [归档 (db)] 错误来自 TOC 条目 7;2615 52236 SCHEMA test enterprisedb
pg_restore: [归档 (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: schema "test" does not exist
Command was: DROP SCHEMA test;
pg_restore: 正在创建 SCHEMA test
pg_restore: [归档 (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: role "enterprisedb" does not exist
Command was: ALTER SCHEMA test OWNER TO enterprisedb;
pg_restore: 正在创建 COMMENT SCHEMA test
pg_restore: 正在创建 TABLE student
pg_restore: [存档程序] 错误来自 TOC 条目 2033;1259 52237 TABLE student enterprisedb
pg_restore: [存档程序] could not set default_tablespace to "testTB": ERROR: tablespace "testTB" does not exist
pg_restore: [归档 (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: relation "test.student" does not exist
Command was: ALTER TABLE test.student OWNER TO enterprisedb;
pg_restore: 正在为表 "student" 恢复数据
pg_restore: 正在创建 CONSTRAINT pk_student
pg_restore: 正在创建 COMMENT CONSTRAINT pk_student ON student
pg_restore: 正在创建 INDEX student_index_name
pg_restore: [存档程序] 错误来自 TOC 条目 2483;1259 52242 INDEX student_index_name enterprisedb
pg_restore: [存档程序] could not set default_tablespace to test_indx: ERROR: tablespace "test_indx" does not exist
pg_restore: 正在创建 COMMENT INDEX student_index_name
pg_restore: 正在为 SCHEMA test 设置所有者和权限
pg_restore: 正在为 COMMENT SCHEMA test 设置所有者和权限
pg_restore: 正在为 TABLE student 设置所有者和权限
pg_restore: 正在为 CONSTRAINT pk_student 设置所有者和权限
pg_restore: 正在为 COMMENT CONSTRAINT pk_student ON student 设置所有者和权限
pg_restore: 正在为 INDEX student_index_name 设置所有者和权限
pg_restore: 正在为 COMMENT INDEX student_index_name 设置所有者和权限
警告: 恢复时忽略了错误:9
-- Table: test.student
-- DROP TABLE test.student;
CREATE TABLE test.student
sno integer NOT NULL,
sname character varying(50),
CONSTRAINT pk_student PRIMARY KEY (sno) -- sdf
ALTER TABLE test.student OWNER TO "admin";
COMMENT ON CONSTRAINT pk_student ON test.student IS 'sdf';
-- Index: test.student_index_name
-- DROP INDEX test.student_index_name;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX student_index_name
ON test.student
USING btree
COMMENT ON INDEX test.student_index_name IS '根据name 索引';
进程退出并返回 1。
C:\PostgresPlus\8.3R2AS\dbserver\bin\pg_restore.exe --host --port 5444 --username "admin" --dbname test --clean --verbose "C:\Documents and Settings\dell\桌面\test_20100730_0934.backup"
pg_restore: 正在连接到数据库以进行恢复
pg_restore: 正在删除 COMMENT INDEX student_index_name
pg_restore: 正在删除 INDEX student_index_name
pg_restore: 正在删除 COMMENT CONSTRAINT pk_student ON student
pg_restore: 正在删除 CONSTRAINT pk_student
pg_restore: 正在删除 TABLE student
pg_restore: 正在删除 COMMENT SCHEMA test
pg_restore: 正在删除 SCHEMA test
pg_restore: 正在创建 SCHEMA test
pg_restore: [归档 (db)] PROCESSING TOC 时出错:
pg_restore: [归档 (db)] 错误来自 TOC 条目 7;2615 52236 SCHEMA test enterprisedb
pg_restore: [归档 (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: role "enterprisedb" does not exist
Command was: ALTER SCHEMA test OWNER TO enterprisedb;
pg_restore: 正在创建 COMMENT SCHEMA test
pg_restore: 正在创建 TABLE student
pg_restore: [存档程序] 错误来自 TOC 条目 2033;1259 52237 TABLE student enterprisedb
pg_restore: [存档程序] could not set default_tablespace to "testTB": ERROR: tablespace "testTB" does not exist
pg_restore: [归档 (db)] could not execute quer
进程退出并返回 1。
4 创建test库和相应的test 模式
C:\PostgresPlus\8.3R2AS\dbserver\bin\pg_restore.exe --host --port 5444 --username "admin" --dbname test --no-owner --clean --verbose "C:\Documents and Settings\dell\桌面\test_20100730_0934.backup"
pg_restore: 正在连接到数据库以进行恢复
pg_restore: 正在删除 COMMENT INDEX student_index_name
pg_restore: 正在删除 INDEX student_index_name
pg_restore: 正在删除 COMMENT CONSTRAINT pk_student ON student
pg_restore: 正在删除 CONSTRAINT pk_student
pg_restore: 正在删除 TABLE student
pg_restore: 正在删除 COMMENT SCHEMA test
pg_restore: 正在删除 SCHEMA test
pg_restore: 正在创建 SCHEMA test
pg_restore: 正在创建 COMMENT SCHEMA test
pg_restore: 正在创建 TABLE student
pg_restore: [存档程序] PROCESSING TOC 时出错:
pg_restore: [存档程序] 错误来自 TOC 条目 2033;1259 52237 TABLE student enterprisedb
pg_restore: [存档程序] could not set default_tablespace to "testTB": ERROR: tablespace "testTB" does not exist
pg_restore: 正在为表 "student" 恢复数据
pg_restore: 正在创建 CONSTRAINT pk_student
pg_restore: 正在创建 COMMENT CONSTRAINT pk_student ON student
pg_restore: 正在创建 INDEX student_index_name
pg_restore: [存档程序] 错误来自 TOC 条目 2483;1259 52242 INDEX student_index_name enterprisedb
pg_restore: [存档程序] could not set default_tablespace to test_indx: ERROR: tablespace "test_indx" does not exist
pg_restore: 正在创建 COMMENT INDEX student_index_name
pg_restore: 正在为 SCHEMA test 设置所有者和权限
pg_restore: 正在为 COMMENT SCHEMA test 设置所有者和权限
pg_restore: 正在为 TABLE student 设置所有者和权限
pg_restore: 正在为 CONSTRAINT pk_student 设置所有者和权限
pg_restore: 正在为 COMMENT CONSTRAINT pk_student ON student 设置所有者和权限
pg_restore: 正在为 INDEX student_index_name 设置所有者和权限
pg_restore: 正在为 COMMENT INDEX student_index_name 设置所有者和权限
警告: 恢复时忽略了错误:2
5 当所有的环境都和原先备份的差不多的时候:ok
C:\PostgresPlus\8.3R2AS\dbserver\bin\pg_restore.exe --host localhost --port 5444 --username enterprisedb --dbname test --clean --verbose "D:\28服务器备份\EnterpriseDb\gk\test_20100730_0934.backup"
进程退出并返回 0。
ALTER TABLE distributors SET TABLESPACE fasttablespace;
ALTER TABLE myschema.distributors SET SCHEMA yourschema;